When my Mom passed she was seeing all manner of folks, that no one else could see for about 4 days, while in the hospital and her first, and last, night in a beautiful hospice suite.

The hospice representative remarked , "it won't be long now" when I mentioned her unseen visitors. It seems it's common for many. Just before I left her hospice room around 10, for what would be her last night, she pointed and winked to a little girl I could not see. When they called me at 5ish the next morning to say she had passed, I went right over and found her with the most peaceful beautiful smile on her face with both of her hands under her head.

Of course, I wished I had spent that night with her as I had the previous several in the hospital, but seeing her the way she left this world, told me she was at perfect peace and that was the greatest gift she ever gave me.

Certainly,both Heaven and Hell are real and they will become the most impactful reality to all. They are also forever. Choose wisely.

We may know the time Ben Carson lied, but does anyone know the time Hillary Clinton told the truth?

Immersing oneself in progressive lieberalism is no different than bathing in the sewage of Hell.