Originally Posted by rost495


I think this may be another example of times when attempting to extend our experiences to others may lead us astray. As another example, I dream in color, but others claim to only dream in black and white.

As for how often do we dream, some scientist believe we have a tendency to remember our dreams more when we do not complete a full REM cycle. The better you sleep, the less you remember. Perhaps you are have a tendency to sleep well most nights?

I dont' sleep well at all. I rarely ever get more than an hour at a time. If I get 3 hours at one time I am extremely thankful.

I have no clue about color, I suppose since I don't have a clue its black and white?

Who knows I may dream something tonight where I dont' know the folks or the place.

Funny seems like my dreams are always something thats happened, something that will happen or is planned in the future or at weirdest, folks and places that I know, but don't add up, IE the scenario isn't planned or has not happened...


I'm glad I qualified my previous statement with some scientist believe....The processes behind the subconscious creation of images with in the brain seem to have a wide variance of results. I've also dreamed of things that have come to pass. I've dreamed of my wife wrecking our current vehicle, but since she's wrecked every other vehicle we've purchased since we've been married, it really wasn't all the prophetic when it came true.

Many of mine don't make much sense either, to the point that within the dream I'll realize it makes so little sense, it has to be a dream...

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell