Congradualations on your style of hunting. First, a bit of information from someone that has hunted all over the UK. You can only shoot an animal in the lungs. A shot anywhere else results in a hugh fine. All meat is sold commercially & belongs to the estate. I usually shoulder shoot animals. This is a no no in Europe. Red Stag are a bit smaller than elk & a good sized target, Sika & Fallow Deer are Whitetail size, but Roe Deer are about the size of a German Shepherd, if that. Think a lung shot the size of a cantalope. No public hunting is available. All hunting is on estates so a quota is established. If the estate needs "X" number of animals harvested & you have hunting rights or payed to hunt there a whacking you go. Remember, it also rains most of the time & is usually foggy. The terrain is just great to stalk in. Until you have fell into a bog up to your a$$ you don't know what true hunting really is. Believe me I have in Scotland. Love the hunting there & the people. Very hunter & gun friendlly once out of London. I plan to return soon.

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