In the end it is to each his own and I don't respect anyone more or less either way.

I personally want to try to harvest the animal on his own turf by overcoming it's superior senses....and that is my personal preference and do not expect anyone to feel the same way.
When it bowhunting season, I use a bow and when it is gun hunting season I use a gun.

I have never said that one person is a better hunter than another....and will never say that. Nore do I have doubt in anyone's shooting skills.

All I will say, is that I don't get warm and fuzzy inside when a fellow hunter's goal is to get as far away as possible before they feel it is sporting enough to shoot.
I would not give my Dad a pat on the back if he came to me and said that he saw a deer at 200 yards, so he moved back to 800 yards in order to make it more difficult.

I know that the last paragraph is exagerating and please just take it as that.

I wish everyone luck and hope you all enjoy hunting as I do and help make it always be available for our kids and grandkids.

Shoot Strait....Penetrate Deep.