Thank you Rost.


Given your "vast knowledge" statement, I can only infer that you are insinuating that I must think I know it all. I'll be the first to admit that I don't. I've never said that I know everything. That being said I have a pretty decent foundation for learning more of just about anything I wish and aggressively learn/practice new things that will improve my life and the lives of those I care about.

Paramount to the learning process is being able to discern differences. Correct from Incorrect. Black versus White. Up versus Down. Hunting from Shooting.

As I've said before, there is a none too subtle difference between a surgically precise shooting activity whereby there is absolutely no way an animal could suspect your presence and a hunting activity.

I'm not sure how you came up with the idea that I don't practice or know anything about long range shooting. I never said I didn't. I've also never said I know more about long range shooting than anyone else on this thread. One of my favorite rifles is one that a very talented local gunsmith did some excellent work on and I enjoy loading up and printing some very fine groups with it at varying distances. After all, that's part of the attraction of owning a fine shooting rifle, right? See what she'll do! See what you can do! Shooting a steel plate at 500-750 yards is fun and fulfilling. Experiencing the abusive CRACK overhead when in the pit downrange watching tiny groups develop is awe inspiring. It takes a bit of learning behind a rifle and a willing/knowledgable coach to help you get there. Spotting contrails, for example, really helps a fellow gain an understaning of how wind, distance and elevation gain/loss to target affects the final placement of a round. It also makes one realize just how long it can take a round to strike a target...and realize all the crappy real world stuff that could occur between pulling the trigger and the strike of the bullet on target a long ways out there. Same applies to arrows by a factor of 10.

It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't, everyone would do it. The what makes it great.
Reviews are only as good as the crowd reviewing them.
Progressive Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.