I am not going to get into the bashing here....

I guess I just fail to understand the motivation of long range hunting.
When I here someone say that shooting from a longer distance makes it more sporting, to me means they are intentionally increasing the difficulty and therefore increasing the risk of not making the perfect hit.
Now, I have seen pictures and information on how well some of the people on here can shoot and practice with hundreds of rounds a year along with developing their own loads etc. I do not want to take anything away from that.
I just don't understand why someone would intentionally increase the chances of missing or wounding an animal in order to make it more difficult or sporting.

I may have misunderstood and if I have would appreciate a better explanation.

I personally feel that if you want to see how far you can shoot....shoot at a target that doesn't have the chance to walk away with a limp.

Shoot Strait....Penetrate Deep.