I saw deer that day anywhere from 375 yds to over 600, this deer fit the desription of what I was looking for, and offered what in my opinion was the best shot of the bunch, was gonna take a yearling doe at 389 but once I got the rifle set up< I never saw her again, she was there, just couldn't find her. The week before I did take a 375 yd shot on a bedded doe, she had her head curled around her body, POI was just under the eye, exactly where I was holding, the accubond exited, re-entered behind the shoulder, double dead if thats possible, I know the doe bedded beside her never got up till she smelled blood.
Oh and bush, in these steep lil ridges I hunt in, you can set up downwind, and after sunrise the thermals take care of you, I've taken shots from 9 feet without the deer having any idea I was there, your reasoning just doesn't make sense to me, if a deer knows your there, they wouldn't be.
Oh and my shooting ability, well I can and have on numerous occasions, started from a 100 yard zero, in a 6-9 mph wind, dialed my scope to a first shot from a cold bore POI within 2-3" of POA and shot a 1 7/8" 3 shot group out to 700 yds. I'm not a great shot but I do practice alot and have one exceptional rifle, don't have no idea how my smith does it, take a cartridge with 122 gr of H2o capacity and make it shoot that well.

If your going through hell, keep on going, don't look back, If your scared don't show it.
You might get out b'fore the devil even knows your there.
(Rodney Atkins)