"I'd bet most people would say that at some point hunting ceases to be hunting and becomes a clinical exercise in shooting. Where we draw the line is something each must answer for himself, but wherever that line is, it is determined primarily by distance. Most of us envision hunting as a contest between instinct and intelligence, but to actually be hunting it must be done at relatively close distances, where the hunter must employ skill and stealth to be successful. He must be aware of wind direction and that movement or noise at the wrong time can bring an abrupt end to the hunt. But when the quarry is so far away that scent, movement and noise (within reason, of course) are no longer factors, it then becomes purely a test of one's shooting skill and equipment. That's not an indictment, mind you, simply a statement of fact." - The Author then becomes purely a test of one's shooting skill and equipment...NOT hunting!!!

Like the author, I believe we are all in the same fraternity, but the forum title should be changed from "Long Range Hunting" to "Long Range Shooting" for - what should be, fairly obvious reasons.

It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't, everyone would do it. The what makes it great.
Reviews are only as good as the crowd reviewing them.
Progressive Liberalism is the philosophy of Western suicide.