Oldman3....Your question is a fair question and certainly one I’ve considered. As I stated in my post, limitations as far as health, etc are a good reason for one to adapt to a different style of hunting. Disabled hunters here are allowed special concessions as far as access and modes of transportation allowed so even guys that are severely disabled are still able to hunt, albeit not in the manner I described earlier. I’ve got a place up north and could boat into areas virtually untouched and hunt from the beaches (not the boat) during the right times. There’s a lot of options and I couldn’t address them all here but if I was forced to lease and hunt from a stand over a feeder I’d probably just fish full time and let my boys do the heavy lifting. 😁. That day will come eventually and I’ll have to cross that bridge when the time comes. Everyone has to decide for themselves when it’s time to hang up the backpack and boots. I certainly support the adaptations that allow disabled hunters to continue to pursue their passion and have the utmost respect for those that refuse to quit.

I am not passing judgment on anyone that has to lease ground for any number of reasons. I suppose if I wasn’t spoiled by the wilderness I’d be happy to hunt in any way that was needed to.

�Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician.� �General George S. Patton, Jr.

~Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla~