Originally Posted by Rockymtnhigh
Is road hunting in Colorado and Arizona considered hunting because I know people that are from (grew up in both places) that have done it and had success on elk and deer....Shoot Ive shot an elk legally in Arizona right off a state highway. Just stepped off the highway a few feet according to the az game and fish regs and blasted it while it was standing on state land...Tagged it and bagged it....I didnt feel like I was Danielle Boone, Davey Crockett, or Jeremiah Johnson because I killed a dumb elk that chose to eat by the highway. How is it any different than blasting a whitetail under the feeder for you mountain men?
It ain't no different. Both are just killing. Killing and hunting are not the same thing. I thought we covered that already pages ago ? You really think baiting and blasting shyt out the window on the side of the highway makes us look like sportsmen to the non hunting {not anti hunting, just non hunting} public ? I sure don't.

Last edited by Blackheart; 03/11/19.