Originally Posted by rockinbbar
I'd really like to see a list of what type of hunting is completely acceptable here.



Some of you condescending pricks meed to pull your heads out of your asses pretty quick.

While I don't shoot deer out of a blind over corn, and haven't since I was a kid, I DO shoot lots of hogs that way.

I'm Goddam sure not going to condemn other hunters for how they hunt, what they hunt with, what they spend to hunt, or where they hunt.

Y'all sound like a buncha fuggin' snowflakes that want nothing more than to make their personal views the "law of the land" beciase they know SO much more than everyone else.

Better smarten the fug up, people.... Other hunters are not the enemy. Oh. Wait...

Go cook you up some Cowboy Coffee on your stove top....old man... smile .

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)