Originally Posted by Youper
Originally Posted by Rockymtnhigh

Lmbo! I would like to see you hunt the area I grew up around in Texas without bait....Briar fortresses and thick oak and mesquite tree stands for miles...Try walking through it without making noise or getting tangled up in the briars...It's dang near impossible...There is a reason in some areas that people hunt in stands over bait...You'd never get close to a whitetail or turkey in some of the places I've hunted in Texas trying to walk and stalk...It is nothing like sitting up high out west and scoping the side of a mountain or drainage below...

'splain me how that would be more difficult than hunting a norther cedar swamp without bait.

I couldn't tell you how it would be different. Ive never hunted that environment. I can only tell you it's dang near impossible to sneak up on a very wary and skittish animal like a whitetail walking through the brush in the area I grew up in Texas, and that is why people choose to hunt in stands over bait or they just sit at the edge of a wheat field in the morning or evening..The whitetails around there are like ghosts when they are in the heavy brush and thick stands of trees...You'd be lucky to get close enough to spot them before they are gone...It is relatively flat in most areas, just a few small hills here and there so you don't have many natural high points to get above the trees and glass to look for animals...Most people build super high tower like stands to get above the trees and brush and get a better view...