Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by SandBilly

Hmm, ok. I’ll tell you I’ll shoot game like that, for the meat. But I’ll never say I was hunting or brag about it. And I’ll damn sure never pay 4K to do it.

As I said earlier, I don't remember anyone forcing you to do anything you want.

But by the same token, I think a grown man shouldn't be condemned for do as they wish.

This may come as a surprise to you, but there are people that enjoy hunting like that. They don't have to hump a pack over high mountains to get some satisfaction from hunting. And sometimes shooting a few meat deer for the freezer doesn't have to be too involved either.

Free men ought to have the right to do things as they want to do them.

It doesn't help to publicly condemn and ridicule people for doing another version of what you do yourself. Division among our ranks has given us more damn gun control and democrat politicians than we can shake a stick at.

I can think of more than a few things I think a grown man should be condemned for doing, with the only justification being "he was grown and wished to do it"

I can see why someone would enjoy shooting a deer from a blind on a corn feeder. But I cannot see why anyone would call it hunting. Or brag about it. If that's the best or only method of take for them for WHATEVER reason, cool. Glad at least they shoot and kill things. Both being past times that we need to keep alive. So to speak. smile

Saying shooting a deer off a feeder from a blind is "another version" of a spot and stalk hunt is head scratchingly wrong. One can, and I do, easily say have fun. Do it, do the hell out of it. Enjoy the hell out of it. But don't say it's something it's not. Many analogies have been made on this thread, and I'll admit I didn't read all them. So if I'm reiterating a point made earlier, my sincere apologies. But it's a participation trophy. Nope, you didn't make the varsity team, but you still tried so here's a shiny trophy that's the same as the winners got at state. And don't let anyone tell you different!

I've busted balls on here, low hanging fruit. Very low hanging sometimes. But as a fellow hunter, I can call bullchit and even mock another's methods without the presumption of condemning them to the purgatory of the unwilling company of non-hunters or classist hunters. At least, that's how I interact with my peers. If a guy needs to approach the forums here as if he's talking to soy-boy man buns, then it's a net loss for all involved.
Good post.