I live in a state with a small amount of public land. I love to hunt, I don't own land yet, so I exercise the options I have. I have a lease that I've been on for 17 years now.

It is an hour and a half from my house. No, I can't walk out my back door and go hunting (believe me, I'd love to be able to). But, on a Friday after work, I can be at a place every weekend of the year if I choose to be, hunting deer for 3.5 months of the year, quail for 4 months and hogs and varmints year round. No funky seasons or draws to worry about. I can spend time with my boys and a couple of great friends just messing around.
I can hunt from a blind. I can spot and stalk. I can wonder around and hike a bit. Nothing like I can do on wide open public land, but I can do it at will, which I can't on public land in my area.

So, you self righteous asses that crow "if you can't hunt public land, you're not a hunter and you suck and blah blah blah. Well, that's just pathetic. Don't we have enough other things to worry about than tearing each other down for working with what we have available to us that allows us to enjoy the outdoors?

By the way, I have also hunted public land in SW CO for the last 17 years for elk, bear and deer. All do it yourself, no guides. So yes, that is an outstanding opportunity that I take advantage of for 10 days every year. I wish I could do it on the same schedule that I can with my lease. But, it's not possible.

I wish the best to all who are enjoying the outdoors in solitude, with friends and/or family, on public, private or whatever land they can do it on. Fact is, they're out there.

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." - Ronald Reagan