Well This guy also got me . He sent all of the same threat emails regarding the collections and small claims suits. Upon closer research of this guy I find it hard to believe that he even has time to participate with O&A since he is always filing law suits against someone or another. Check out the Houston Court Docket calendar. Hes tried to sue many companies and failed and is still in the process of suing some credit card processing company and a heating and air company for work performed 11 years ago. I also think that his father is also involved in many of these suits. I've been in contact with the Harris County DA office and advised by them that the first step is to file a report with my local police dept and have it sent to the HC Sheriff dept. That way their dept. will look into it and hopefully file some charges against O&A. So I suggest anyone that's having the same issues with O&A follow suit. (Squeaky wheel gets the oil)

Last edited by JaiJai; 05/08/20.