Eustice has left his site up to still fool people into trying to make purchases. He isn't able to complete "transactions...cough cough theft" so he sends follow up emails about his fundraiser in an attempt to solicit funds for his fundraiser. Someone posted on BBB

"If it's too good to be true, it is. I was wary when I noted that this website popped up with ammo that I can't find anywhere. Furthermore, there seemed to be no limit to how much I could order and the price was about 30% cheaper than what is available on Then, after placing an order, I got a message that there were no payment options for my state. Finally, upon registering with the website, I received an email with an unhinged diatribe about politics and the 1st and 2nd amendment, etc. with a request to send donations to OpticsandAmmo, LLC. If I wanted to make political donations, I'd do that directly with a registered, tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization. Why would I send money to an unknown LLC in Texas? That makes no sense."