The government has never been good at fixing much of anything, ever!

Parents and teachers emotionally get in their own way of any sensible protection for hardening schools - sure they have closed campuses with cameras galore, and some even have roaming school police.

But to lock a school down to the degree of a prison isn’t likely to happen. Entrances and exits door are constantly being opened and locks defeated by students doing random acts of kid stuff.

To secure a school and make it a hard target. All doors/windows would need monitoring systems for accidentally or nefarious openings by student or teachers.

Single point of entry for foot traffic only with scans for weapons and searches of bags and backpacks. Trained and armed individuals at main points of entrance with active security camera monitoring of exterior/interior campus looking for individuals starting an attack.

Most of these attacks are internal and done by current or former students. Schools and school police suck at stopping school bullying and some parents aren’t anywhere near concerned enough to take action if their kid is a major dick head to smaller, weaker kids.

Then there’s the arming of some teachers. That hasn’t gotten much traction either, due to teachers and parents being emotional and what’s the training and certification for an armed teacher look like?

The fact is, society has changed over the years. Bullying has went from only the school grounds to 24/7 365 days a year with social media. Some kids have no relief, other than to disconnect from all social media...Which is often used as a teaching aide at schools.

Then there’s the media itself, which has to report on these horrible acts of violence - leading to the next copycat, kid shooter.

Kids, killing kids has become prolific business for the media. There are some reasonable ways to reduce the attacks, but nothing is failure proof. Murphy’s Law lives.

I also don’t believe video gaming creates a murderer. I don’t believe kids being exposed to proper use of a firearm will make a kid more likely to kill others...I do believe that unchecked bullying can cause some vulnerable kids, who may be gamers or have family members that own firearms that they can get their hands on, might go full retard and surrender to their pain and inflict their vengeance on others.

At the end...A lot of parents are just flat out dogshît. Not all, but a lot of them are.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”