We just need to bring back mental institutions like prior to the Reagan era and the catch and release mentality needs to cease.
Some people just dont belong in society and they need to be institutionalized for good.
For our well being and theirs as much as IDGAF about theirs honestly.
Let the loonies draw cartoons with their own schitt on their walls for all I care....

This nanny state bullschit in all aspects is going waaay to far.

LBJ,s Great Society long term trickle down effects have fuuucked this nation and empowered Liberal Socialist Democrats ever since.

We are on the backslide of us being a constitutional republic since 1964 1965...IMO....

When the lowest elements of a nation have the most say so and control thru a political party that panders to that, then that nation is irreversibly on a downward spiral...

Honk for Joey and how he was installed is proof of it all...