Originally Posted by Tarquin
You could forcibly ban all guns and do door-to-door confiscation and it wouldn't prevent any mass shootings. These heinous acts were not happening 60 years ago when kids were taking their new.22 to school for show-and-tell, or leaving their .20 gauge with the principal so they could shoot quail on the walk home after school. These crimes have nothing to do with guns! Blaming it on guns is just a lazy, low-resolution response intended to exculpate the real villain which is the culture we've created----no fathers in homes anymore, men entirely emasculated, the state acting as the new "father", boys growing up without a properly civilized man to show them what being a man actually means, moral relativism, cultural despair and on and on and on. We didn't have these crimes when we were watching Ozzy and Harriett on TV.