When I was in Israel a few months back I went to visit a friend who is a teacher at a high school in a small farming town between Tel Aviv and Gaza. Other than rocket attacks, it's not really a center for terror activities. When I pulled up to the school I had to park in an area that was a good walk to the main gate of the school. Cameras everywhere and several armed guards at the gate, which could only be opened up from inside a guard post (hardened), where there was at least another armed guard. These guards were soldiers who used to serve in combat units and they were outfitted accordingly.

I was impressed that they had several layers of security and if anyone tried to assault the school and was able to take out the outside guards, the ones on the inside would obviously see and hear it and shut down the entire facility before engaging the terrorists. Pretty much the only way to get through to the kids would be to roll up in a tank.

It's a shame that this is the reality, but it is the reality and no one wants to see dead kids. I know the lunatics here in the US would argue that we've turned schools into prisons if such a system were put in place, but it sure is an effective system and it doesn't require anyone to give up individual rights.

If you're the type who would rather take away guns from the 99% of people who use them lawfully, rather than put common sense security into school buildings, you'll end up being a good party loyalist when every other freedom is taken away.

Eliminate qualified immunity and you'll eliminate cops who act like they are above the law.