Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by Prewar70
I dont post often but Ive been here longer than you have. Same with AR. No screamin liberal. Imagine if you can for a second, it's one of your kids. I think how do we keep guns out of the hands of people that would commit these crimes. And keep guns in the hands or responsible, law abiding, not crazy Americans

That's about as fuggin' stupid a call for gun control as I've ever heard.

1) There are 200,000 guns in Uvalde County that weren't used in a school shooting today, or any day.

2) An evil human being committed this crime. He wasn't worried about laws or doing anything illegal. Last I checked, it is illegal to commit murder. It's illegal to shoot your grandmother, and anyone else.

3) Gun laws are only obeyed by the law abiding. That is it. People who do this don't follow the law. No law at all would have stopped this, if he was committed to do so.

You ought to pull your head out of your ass. You may find the breathe of fresh air nice for a change.
Best post of thread.