Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by NH K9
where it applies to long-term and a full response standloint, I agree. The investigation should proceed and appropriate action should be taken at multiple levels.

From both a personal and professional standpoint, right now, the only question i have is:
Did EVERY responding cop go directly to the threat (I'll make exceptions for units held outside under direction of the scene commander for perimeter, etc once sufficient entry was made) until it was confirmed that the threat(s) was terminated?
If the answer is 'no', than its excuses and bullshit.

I know this isn't 'my area ' of the Nation, but that shouldn't matter. If someone isn't willing to enter a building to stop the killing of innocents, they shouldn't pin on a badge.

If it is determined that I'm interpreting this response wrong, you'll be the first I apologize to. I just can't accept that any copper could live with themselves for standing by.

From where I sit, it seems like whoever was the scene commander, whether it was the Uvalde Police Chief, the Sheriff, or DPS.... whoever it was... SHOULD have put together enough force from the cops there, and stormed the building.

Time is not your friend in those situations.
If any of those ranking officers were even close to the first at the school, they should have been inside trying to kill the shooter.
there is no 'enough for entry ' anymore. In my current position, I'm within two miles from.any of 'my' schools if I'm trapped at the PD. it's highly unlikely any other copper is going to beat me to an incident there
The Fire Chief already knows he has immediate command, because I'm going to be hunting.
That is the only acceptable answer from my perspective.

Last edited by NH K9; 05/27/22.

�Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn't even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back.�