Have there been suggestions of a sally port arrangement at schools? Seems like only one entrance and several secure (not glass) exit only doors would help. I know a sally port sort of makes it seem like a jail but it would help. And an exit door could be opened to let a shooter in if he had an ally on the inside but it would help. The best thing would be to go back to nut house mental institutions. The constitution does not say you cannot lock up a crazy. As per the 5th Amendment there just has to be due process of law which I would suppose means there needs to be a legal process based in laws written for that purpose and the right to have a judge rule on it.

All that said, nutty people doing nutty things isn't going to stop. I dealt with a crazy neighbor for 2+ decades before the sheriff finally came out and killed him. It's a wonder he didn't kill me after the first restraining order. He narrowly missed the sheriff with a load of 12 gauge buckshot. And guess what, he was 50 years old living with his mommy and she was egging him on. The sheriff killed her too.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."