Originally Posted by JoeBob
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Originally Posted by JoeBob
[bleep] those cops. If parents were willing to storm that school, the cops had no right to stand in the way. [bleep] those pieces of schit for handcuffing those parents. If you’re too cowardly to do what is necessary, don’t stand in the way of those who aren’t.

Fewer than sixty years ago, people in Austin went to their cars and homes and got deer rifles to return fire on Charles Whitmore. They kept his head down until one officer went up the tower and killed him by himself. Now, the cops tackle people who are braver than they are and place them in handcuffs to keep them from saving children.

Uvalde needs you. Go make a difference. Save lives.

Look, asshat, if you get between me and my kid, you’d better find a place to hide. That’s all I’m saying. Strange that someone thinks that’s remarkable.

All I'm saying is go make a difference. Those children need you. Aren't they important enough?

Save lives, make a difference. Selfless service.

The truth is you don't know what happened because you weren't there. How was the door barricaded? Was a breaching tool needed to make entry? Where were the officers that initially engaged the suspect wounded?

But put your money where your mouth is and go DO instead of yapping.

Last edited by Jackson_Handy; 05/27/22.