<br>This is for If and nobody else.
<br>Now we are changing the range from 1500 to 2000 yards?
<br>Look who's aligator mouth is running overtime on that statement. Your the one who also started a money shoot of $1000.00 per shot, were you not?
<br>I simply tried to make this shoot off as equal as I could as per all around shooting especially when $1000.00 per shot is on the line.
<br>To give you a crutch, how about if we put a 24" kill zone target at 100 yards and also at 1500 yards.
<br>Knowing how easy it is to shoot 100 yards, I would expect you to shoot the same yardage as I do. I'll shoot 100 yards and 1500 Yards and YOU do the same. Hows that aligator mouth?
<br>You have continued to downplay the LR hunters on this forum by trying to make a mockery out of shooting Longrange. Now you change things to suit you from 1500 to 2000 yards. You and I both know it's easier to hit an 8" plate at 100 yards then it is at 1500 yards. That don't take a rocket scientist to figure out.
<br>I won't shoot against a 50 yard or 100 yard shooter and me at 1500 yards unless we BOTH are shooting at that range. If someone wants to shoot against me at 100, 300 , 1000 or 1500 or 2000 yards, now I will be most accomodating.
<br>Point is, "they" are going to do it to and this will be an equal match to see who can do what at all ranges.
<br>It's true, at 100 yards an 8" plate should be hit more times then the 1500 yard same size 8" target. I never said it couldn't.
<br>I did say FOR US a 24" kill zone target at 1500 yards is as easy to hit as your 8" or 10" plate is at 100 yards. Hell some hunters, I should say many hunters, couldn't hit an 8" target off hand at 100 yards while there are some who are excellent at 1000 yards off hand.
<br>It's a pity you have never tried LR hunting or understand the concept. You seem to thrive on opposition towards it. That too is a pity but, to each his own.
<br>So, at some point in your life if you feel "froggie" and want to shoot 100 yards AND 1500 yards against me, be my guest in Pennsylvania or Colorado when I go there elk hunting. Fair enough? Thats the fair way to approach this money contest you brought up.