We've never lost an animal.
<br>We have a spotter with bigeyes beside us.
<br>We've never lost an animal.
<br>We watch the bullet all the way to the target, which means we've never lost an animal.
<br>We shoot a spotter shot before we shoot at the animal.
<br>Did I mention that we've never lost an animal?
<br>The wind never changes or gusts between spotter shot and money shot, at least it cannot change enough to make us miss the vitals. We say so. That settles it.
<br>We've never lost an animal.
<br>If we miss the first shot, the second is always in the vitals.
<br>That's why we've never lost an animal.
<br>Our experience with Match King bullets invalidates the manufacturer and experience of all other hunters.
<br>We use Match Kings and that's why we've never lost an animal.
<br>Our animals are so peaceful that they always lie down in the open when we hit them.
<br>That's also why we have never lost an animal.
<br>Animals we hit never get under cover or out of sight after the shot, and we can always see them for one half mile in any direction if they run (which I must remind you categorically that they never do since they have been hit at LR).
<br>Oh, I forgot to mention that we've never lost an animal.
<br>Double lung hit deer will run for half a mile if shot at short range (and so will the Easter Bunny) but not if hit at long range.
<br>We've never lost an animal, by the way.
<br>Animals shot at close range are always on the run, panicked by hunters who must shoot at them offhand, and then the animal always runs till it drops.
<br>So we've never lost an animal.
<br>We've never lost an animal because the behaviour of hit animals is totally different if the bullet has traveled more than 1k yards, than if they are standing closer to the muzzle. Trust me on that one.
<br>If a person hasn't shot at animals at over 1K he or she cannot possibly discuss any factor of such doings with us, just like you have no right to contact your congressman about a law, because you aren't a congressman. (My apologies to any congressmen here. You are exempt and do have the right to speak to congresspeople.)
<br>By the way, we've never lost an animal.
<br>Anyone who questions what we do, whether on ethics or components, is an unbeliever who does not believe we can hit anaimals that far. He is closed minded, arrogant, and almost certainly a slob hunter who throws his money around (unlike our guys who shoot low cost LR rifles) and loses wounded game regularly because he takes low odds shots, unlike our 2k cinch shots.
<br>We have never lost an animal.
<br>Because we've never lost an animal it means that anything we do or say is OK and beyond question.
<br>Did I tell you we've never lost an animal?