<br>I remind you again, mighty hunter, that you are the one who said he would take the bet. All I did was make it into a real bet and you are attempting to obfuscate the fact that you are backpeddling faster than a unicyclist.
<br>If the 2000 yards is all that is stopping you, I'll shoot it at 100, you shoot it at 1500 and let's get it on.
<br>I have never made a mockery of LR hunting, you seem to do that quite well by yourself. I have never met anyone who's ethics changed at the will of the state Game and Fish Dept.
<br>The bottom line is you said you would and could and now you won't and can't. Makes me wonder about some of your other numerous claims.

"When we put [our enlisted men and women] in harm's way, it had better count for something. It can't be because some policy wonk back here has a brain fart of an idea of a strategy that isn't thought out." General Zinni on Iraq