Originally Posted by NH K9
HAJ.....little one coming? Bobby and I will be happy to death mar....er walk you folks around grin

Mark...we don't waste our time with JD. I felt cheap bringing Bookers and Makers!


There is a chance that we will bring the baby. Her dad lives with us and has been more than supportive in watching the rug rat for a few hours here and there if we need to run errands or get some time alone. We don't know if he's willing to take on full time baby duty for several days though. So, if he isn't down with helping over the long stretch, then we'll have the little one with us. If he's cool with watching him, then the kid will stay home.

Fair warning, Heather knows her way around guns AND hunting camps. She's spent a fair amount of time with each so she has a good idea of what to expect here. If somebody brings her a tray of rocky mountain oysters thinking that they've pulled one over on her, it will be a fail. She loves the things! laugh

We're both really looking forward to this... smile

I can't wait to see her bag a piggy!

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.