Originally Posted by Gus
on the quamtum end of the spectrum, "things" pop into and out of existence almost instantaneously, no? that is, what is real is a product of creation. creation comes from nothing, right?

in other words, does the pattern of "what isn't" define the reality of what is? or not? it's a serious debate raging amongst the people who dare to enter into a discussion about the world of quantum mechanics.

Hey Gus,

The thing to remember is that science models how things happen, not why. You start with this and this and that and you end up here. Why it works that way we don't know, we just know that it does, every time. Why is pretty much irrelevant scientifically speaking. To paraphrase Feynman the question is probably meaningless.

Stuff popping in and out of existence? Don't know that happens. Best we can say is that the equations work better when we include that in the model.

Like dark matter. Someone measures galactic mass and angular momentum, plugs it into Newton's equations, and says, "That's funny, it doesn't work."

So plug in an additional figure for mass and the dang equations work again. We can't observe it directly so let's call it "dark matter." And hope it exists or we're really missing something "bigly."

The key elements in human thinking are not numbers but labels of fuzzy sets. -- L. Zadeh

Which explains a lot.