Originally Posted by TF49

So was this event the end of the Phoenician Empire or not?

You still don't want to understand. You choose to remain in your shell.

If you care to, look at history and see a distinction between the island of Tyre where the governing capital was and the mainlands.

Did Neb come against the mainlands and ALexander against the island city.

So, again, was the prophecy against the Phoenician Empire or the real estate?

Alexander was never mentioned in your alleged prophecy, nor the Phonetician Empire, and Nebuchadrezzar failed.

Let me give you a modern equivalent of the game of bait-and-switch you are playing.

Imagine that in 1763 someone predicted that Catherine the Great would take Bagdad, salt the earth, and no one would ever live there again, then claimed their prediction came true when under George The Younger, 3rd ID Marched into Bagdad.

Would you really say that was a fulfilled prophecy?


You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell