Originally Posted by CCCC
Dead wrong there Starman - you were fake "mind-reading" when you tried to assume the intent of others - go back and read your own words.

Below is my orig. statement that has to do with verbal or written form of delivery , not your crazy irrational idea of mind reading.

Originally Posted by Starman

When a christian tells another their life is not complete without the belief they have in God (and a burning in hell consequence for not having the same beliefs )
they are implying their choice of belief is the better one, - -

you were fake "mind-reading"

LOL...Fake as opposed to real mind reading?...there is such a thing?

Originally Posted by CCCC

WEAK ! Now you are down to describing what a person is "implying" - pretending that you have the power to read their mind and announce their intent.

Implying has nothing to do with mind reading....imply means to suggest.

I feel sorry for folks like you that are so poor even at base level comprehension.
too much bible mythology and not enough rational learning classroom time...sad really.

-Bulletproof and Waterproof don't mean Idiotproof.