Originally Posted by CCCC

Starman - you're the one with crossed wires...If you can't grasp the difference, your posts are even more worthless.

reminder , You are the crazy irrational one that stated my reading of and listening to christians is 'mind reading'

its a pity the less educated christians often have the loudest voice of the christian fraternity.
this might help you with your ignorance:

listen (def.) give ones attention to a sound

read(def.)comprehend the meaning of written or printed matter.

mind read(def.) a person who can supposedly discern what another person is thinking.

Originally Posted by CCCC

have you any concept of the difference between one not being internally bothered or upset by nasty attacks...

internal or external, fact remains you are bothered.. otherwise you would have no cause to mount a defence.

to pretend otherwise is imbecilic.

Originally Posted by CCCC

you may be able to see why your post comes across as deliberate and devious nastiness.

Anything that doesn't suit you, you take offence to, proves my previous point about precious christians playing the victim card.

-Bulletproof and Waterproof don't mean Idiotproof.