Originally Posted by jaguartx
Modern Tyre is no more the rebuilt same Tyre as Paris, F is the same Paris as is in east Texas.

Ancient Tyre was on 2 islands 700 m from shore.

Regardless, the prediction that at a certain time Jerusalem would be rebuilt by jews freed at a certain time by a king named Cyrus 200 yrs later and that Jerusalem would be in bitter conflicts for its control many years later by the jews after being dispersed to the world from it again and the prophecy that they would later become a country again and the prophecy that it would occur in one day and the prophecy that it would be struggled over for control that we see occurring today gives empirical proof the writers of the prophecy were directed by a higher source-one who knew He could make a king be born and name him Cyrus and make him become benevolent as Cyrus did and that He could make Israel be voted into existence buy a group of nations He controlled the votes of can only be ignored by those who themselves prove another bible prophecy: There are none so blind as those who would not see.


Give us the chapter and verse so we can discuss it.....or do you not know it?

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell