Originally Posted by AcesNeights
If I hire a guide to take me elk hunting I expect my guide to get me on elk, not to protect me in every possible scenario......

Who said anything about the guide protecting the client in any possible scenario there ace? Sure as hell wasn't me.

If a guide accepts paying clients and hunts in an area with lots of grizzlies, he has a responsibility to understand how to operate in that environment and do what he can to keep his clients safe.

And if they drop an elk and leave it overnight, the likelihood of having to deal with bears goes way up. So that situation is hardly "every possible scenario," it's something a guide should reasonably expect.

So a guide in that situation has some responsibility to manage what happens, unlike a guy from Florida who may not have ever seen a grizzly much less been drug off a horse by one.

I'm not blaming the guide either, as already noted by everyone with half a functioning brain cell, none of us knows what happened. Just making the observation that a client's responsibilities are much different than a guide's, in response to the previous poster who blamed the client for what happened.

A wise man is frequently humbled.