Originally Posted by Steelhead
Originally Posted by BayouRover
At this point in time, all that is known as actual facts is that something involving two human beings, two bears, and a dead elk happened and went incredibly wrong, probably in a matter of a few seconds. The end result is one of the humans is dead and the two bears have been killed. Maybe more will unfold in the coming days.......and maybe not.

Anything else is speculation at this point no matter whether you're a "good guy" or a "bad guy" in the discussion here about the events.

As for a personal weapon in bear country, a long barrel like a 7.5" one on a Super Blackhawk is not your best friend when things go bad. A much shorter barrel such as a 4 3/4" Super Blackhawk in 44 Mag or a 4" barreled Redhawk in 45 Colt will be a lot handier when things are quickly going sideways. You won't need a longer site radius at that point as it will probably be point and shoot range at best, and clearing a long barrel from a holster might not happen as quickly. Those words paraphrase what my guide told me in prepartation for the hunt.

JMO - from having almost been there once with a 4" stainless Redhawk in 45 Colt cleared and ready at the behest of my guide. Fortunately the bear bluffed and didn't get closer than about 30 yards before he woofed and turned and ran the other direction as the guide was being very vocal with arms waving. I was caribou hunting at the time and the sound of gunshots were apparently like a dinner bell ringing for brown bears. Fortunately I'm here to tell about it. I provided "security" with a 12 gauge pump that the guide carried as an extra security weapon while he quickly gutted the animal, and I had the Redhawk in a chest/shoulder holster as extra back-up just in case. The last we saw of the bear was at probably 400 yards, and he was hot footing it in the other direction. But we had no idea if he had other friends nearby at the time.

So you think the client is a liar?

I never said that, and I have no idea what the full truth is at this time. As I thought that I stated in my original post, I'm willing to leave all of the jumping to conclusions to others who were no closer to the actual event than I was.

It's official. I missed the selfie deadline so I'm Maser's sock puppet because rene and the Polish half of the fubar twins have decided that I am.

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