Originally Posted by callnum
Buzz schooled you son, and with pics. I think you could post up a measly 5 pics of the 300" bulls.
Buzz refused to debate the facts and ran while attempting to steer the conversation away from him getting humiliated by posting pictures. That is the fact. The fact you choose to ignore the fact shows you, too, are incapable of debating facts.

You are trolling, and you are blind to the truth, just like all liberals.

Originally Posted by callnum
Really tell your buddies to stop. No one and I mean no one except you use those terms to describe points on a bull. Silly Texan.
It was late when I called them horns, instead of points. People make typing mistakes when they are tired.

Mentally challenged people, like you, are grammar Nazis on the internet.

Would you like me to go back in just your last two postings, and show you where you made grammatical errors, you hypocrite?

A grandpa trolling on the internet, and stalking me on other threads here in your attempts to get a response . How pitifully sad you are.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)