I am a child of the Father. Christian means many things to many people. But to be His child... you are, or you are not. To be sure, I am no easily loved child, and sometimes wonder why He chose me. But when He chooses you, it is His choice, not yours. You can’t pick your family, they say. Once chosen, it is incumbent on you to at least attempt to live as the Father would desire of you, and to study to understand what that is. I struggled for years to fit God to the box I thought He should fit, and as I previously have stated here, with one sentence, He destroyed that box and showed me my position relative to Him. Call it a come-to-Jesus meeting with Dad, the one where He says one thing that lets you know that He is in charge, and you just need to let it go. The peace of finally understanding that I am the child and He is the ruler of all things is indescribable.

When you know that everything that happens is His will, it makes it impossible to worry, or to hate your circumstance. If all is His will, and His will is good, then to worry or complain is to place yourself in charge of that which you cannot control. To me, the peace that passes understanding is what is possessed by the person who is in their proper place with the Father, because they know He controls all things, and what He does is good. We are not the arbiters of good, He is. Our job is simply to trust. Reaching that point has brought me more peace than I ever thought possible.