Originally Posted by Ringman

How do you explain Muslims, who don't know Jesus, claiming Jesus came to them?

That has happened. I have good friends who are missionaries, have started churches in Israel.

The Messianic Jewish couple who are their associates over there report a real awakening among the Arabs. They've had Arabs come to their home requesting that they tell them about Jesus. Asked how they heard about Jesus, they hear stories of Him showing up and healing people. Now, that's a pretty good segway into sharing the Gospel.

The hard core religious Jews are more resistant to the Gospel because of the "spirit of religion". It was actually the spirit of religion that crucified the Lord. If Satan can't beat'em, he'll join'em. The spirit of religion is Satan himself; the High Priest, Pharasees, crowds etc. were actually functioning as his minions at the crucifixion..

And what do I mean by spirit of religion. It's that spirit of control that permeates organized religion to squelsh the Spirit of the Lord.

Now, we see a lot of that today.. One has to be born again and Spirit filled to see the difference, lest deception blind him to the Light.

It's so simple, it's complicated.


Last edited by Dirtfarmer; 02/19/20.