Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Tarquin
The name of the institution is irrelevant: it is the quality of their argument that counts.


And 100% of the arguments from the Discovery Institute are of the worst possible scientific quality.

You're embarrassing yourself. You're simply arguing by assertion, which is no argument at all. Prove your point! Start with Signature in the Cell by Stephen Meyer, which first rate atheist philosopher Thomas Nagel praised effusively. Debunk that one for us. And while you're at it, explain why, if anything from the Discovery Institute is suspect, the evidence convinced Antony Flew that evolution cannot possibly explain the origin of life. (Hint: the evidence convincing Flew did not come from the Discovery Institute). What is it that explains why bio-chemist James Tour (one of the top 50 scientists in this country) thinks evolution is bunk. (Its not anything he read from the Discovery Institute).

Last edited by Tarquin; 02/29/20.
