Originally Posted by Hastings
A non believer would have to admit that in his unbelief there are lots of things unexplained.

That's a more honest approach than making up a myth so you can claim you do know.

Originally Posted by Hastings
I really have an issue with something coming from nothing and willingly admit there's a huge huge bunch I cannot fathom...


...I'm sticking with Jesus....

This is called an argument from personal incredulity.

Just because something's difficult for you to believe, that doesn't mean it's not so. Additionally, solving the difficult to believe by adding an additional even more unbelievable layer on top of it solves nothing.

Saying "god(s) did it doesn't explain the origin of god(s), and to claim only they need no explanation is just another logical fallacy called "Special Pleading".

Why not explain what we understand, admit there is much we don't understand, but continue to explore it?

As for a Universe for the current scientific understanding of "nothing", here's a video of what's probably the leading hypothesis at this time from an real scientist:

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell