Originally Posted by TF49
Copy from a Monday TF post:

For AS, in case he missed it:


Please know that it is not a Christian duty or responsibility to convince you about the reality of God and the reality of Jesus and the gift. Folks such as I can point the way ..... explain little or much depending upon the “ears” that hear us....hold you up in prayer before the Father... so on and so forth ...But, it is the Holy Spirit of God .... not me or others.....that shows the clear and weighty truth to the honest seeker of God.

God will not hold me responsible for your eternal destiny. That is between you and God.

Those that have ears to hear, will indeed hear. Those that “stick their own fingers in their ears” ..... for whatever reason they do.... those are the ones that will not hear and not believe and who have not yet received the gift.

Also....There has been much talk about evidence or “proof.” There is proof. As, I have previously related, God spoke to me..... God proved Himself to me. I related that experience on this Forum.

I have proof and you don’t. Our differences may be as simple as that. Seek the proof.... it is there.

Btw....regarding “threat” ....... when one recognizes an “indication of impending.....whatever.....trouble, risk or danger....”...... a responsible caring person might warn the one who is at risk. With that thought in mind, yes, I fear for you and am trying to warn you. Others have as well. Kinda like warning someone of a runaway horse headed their way.....”Watch Out!”

Not to say that preaching hellfire is of no value, but it seems to me that simply threatening some one with hellfire will do little good. Sometimes yes, but why would they be afraid of hellfire from a God they place no stock in? Seems that something specific from the Holy Spirit has to have been communicated first. Anyway, that is a digression.

This is your life and a hand has been dealt to you..... play it wisely.




I do not seek a specific god or specific outcome, what I seek is the truth. I do my best to carefully examine and minimize my presuppositions, base my beliefs on objective evidence, and accept when insufficient evidence to accept a given proposition.

I'm open to sound idea's supported by sufficient evidence of the appropriate quality given the nature of the claim.

What I see in your post is an emotional appeal. Yes, I believe it's a well intentioned, heart felt emotional appeal, but none the less still, just an emotional appeal related to an outcome for which I've been presented with no good evidence, and much contra-indicated evidence.

Yes, this is my life, and I'm living it the best way I know how based upon best evidence available to me.

In return, it is my hope that your irrationally based beliefs do not lead you to bad outcomes.

May the random variances of the universe favor you.


You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell