Originally Posted by jaguartx
Your philosophy is unchristian and contradictory to the principles of or country as founded and of the founders. This country was dedicated to GOD and Christian principles and is the reason it became the greatest nation on the face of the earth as promised ages previously by GOD to Ephrim and Manessah.

For many decades, to serve in govt, leaders had to profess a belief in God.

Get a clue. The inalienable rights given us by our Creator.

And now it's being saved, at least temporarily, by the hand of GOD Almighty by HIS servant Trump, just as King Cyrus saved the tribe of Judah, from Babylon, as prophecied 400 years before in the Bible.

Had your fellow heathen Hillary been elected, we would already be history.

BS she doesnt share your values. The constitution and 2A are small points in comparison to kicking GOD out of school and general principles of a decent nation.

Your philosophy is no better than that of the babble of the fallen Babylonian Empire, Rome, and has been leading us to the same destruction.

Abortion, then post partum abortion. Look around and see what the hell this country has degenerated to.

Queers kissing and marrying and kids having two mommy's and no daddies and a corksucker and commie and lying injun running to ruin the US.

The communist plan, get rid of God and the family and morals and the shining city on the hill is ours.

We dont shine very bright anymore, and it's because we've turned from GOD.

Thanks for doing your part.

You really should preach less and listen, and think more.

Last edited by antelope_sniper; 02/18/20.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell