Originally Posted by Rock Chuck
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Wouldn't teaching a child to believe in a pagan sect be considered child abuse?

If that child believes in Jesus, it's way beyond child abuse.

Children aren't born with any understanding. They accept what's told to them and aren't necessarily capable of the logic to determine fact from fiction. They believe in Santa for a good many years. Wonder how many are "Clayton" believers who don't really believe and go through the motions to keep their family happy, and avoid being dis-owned by them. Religion breeds fear and actually existis because of it. Lucky for me I was born and raised in a non-believing family and had the commense sense, and experiences, to recognise the believers as the nutcases they really are (the blaspheming, child abusing, angery catholics down the road helped forge my understanding).

Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by Raspy
Whatever you said...everyone knows you are a lying jerk.

That's a bold assertion. Point out where you think I lied.
