Originally Posted by BRISTECD
Antelope -sniper is like the rich man that fared sumptuously everyday, then died. One day, he’ll lift up his eyes, being in Hell, and beg for a single drop of water.

He is lost and has rejected God. My guess is he has crossed that line, so be done with him. Don’t argue, don’t explain....he has made his decision, let him die with it. You can pray for him, but not much else.


I see no good evidence for the existence of your hell.

Take a look at the arguments made tonight. They fall into three categories,

Faith: the excuse one used when they have no evidence, or in the face of evidence to the contrary.

Threats: The immoral proposition that your god sends everyone to hell for his failure to provide sufficient evidence,

Bible verses: Which are totally irrelevant until there's sufficient evidence to believe in your mythos.

My minds open to being changed when provided with sufficient evidence, your side just doesn't have any good evidence, let alone anything approaching extraordinary evidence to support your extraordinary claims.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell