Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Raspy
Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by Raspy
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by Raspy

God exist?....it's a fifty fifty chance....either God is or God is not...I do believe God does exist because when I die and then find out there really is something on the other side of the grave, whew, glory to God, as I tried to do the best I could all my life.

How do you calculate 50/50 chance? And why the God of the bible rather than Brahman the creative principle of Hinduism, for example?

Isn't it 50/50 between those two options without even considering any number of other possibilities?

Imagine a 6 sided die with an X on one side and the rest blank.

The only two possible results are X or blank, but the odd of getting an X are not 50/50, they are 1 in 6.

Bayesian analysis isn't just a combination of 50/50 outcomes.

Sorry...I don't get it....either there is or there is not a God...seems like that is 50/50 to me....

If a god, which god? There are many versions to choose from. Plus, there are multiple possibilities that do not involve a God....countless quantum simulated 'universes' being generated by super advanced civilizations, for example.

God is God....you fill in the blank as to who what you call Him....

It's not that simple.

The vast majority of Theistic systems are mutually exclusive. As an example Muslims and Christians each believe the other is going to Hell, as do Mormons and Catholics.

There's over 4,000 religions, with many subdivision. Christianity has over 30,000 sects. If all the other 4k religions were as fractionated as Christianity, your looking at 120,000,000 million, mostly mutually exclusive variants of potential afterlives.

So, by that math, your chances of choosing correctly are 1 in 120 million, not 1 in 2.

So you better hurry up and convert to Hinduism so you don't end up in Naraka.

As I said before God is God no matter what label you put on Him...it is still ...there is or there is not....50/50

Last edited by Raspy; 02/28/20. Reason: more

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