Originally Posted by krp
I'm a follower of Christ, been aware of the spiritual part of me and others since I was old enough to have conscious thought. I never understood the 'born again in the spirit' claim by religion, when obviously we are born with the spirit. Anyway Christ's life, teachings, death, resurrection and the Holy spirit all make sense to what I felt at my earliest age.

It also doesn't negate other's spiritual awareness that never knew of Christ or put another name to God.

I'm a follower of Christ but not of religion with all it's exclusiveness, christian usually means a follower of a religion so I don't claim to be one.


I have what many Christians would consider a warped view of spirituality. So it’s a bit of a comfort to find I am not alone.

I can’t see the things I’ve seen & not be convinced there’s a higher power.

Plus some of the best & most successful men I’ve known have been devout in their faith. Even if you could prove it was just a big fairy tale, there’s power in submitting ourselves to a higher power that guides our thoughts, words & actions

I'm pretty certain when we sing our anthem and mention the land of the free, the original intent didn't mean cell phones, food stamps and birth control.