Originally Posted by Coyote_Hunter
Originally Posted by BWalker
I really could care less if John lied or not. Maybe John is a liar, but by your own admission you are a slob hunter and a poor shot.

I never admitted any such thing except in your dreams.

What I said was "If everyone that makes a mistake in judging the wind is a slob hunter, then include me in their ranks." I also stated that "The people I hunt with have a very different opinion of me and my hunting".

If you don't care why do you keep responding to this thread? If the best you can do is name call, I know grade school kids who have better conversation and debate skills.

The fact is that Mule Deer lied.

Your grasp on reading comprehension is minimal. I said I don't care if John lied. I don't even know what he supposedly lied about and I really could care less.
The fact of the matter is you are a slob and a poor shot and this has been chronicled in your own words multiple times. The fact you found a few other slobs to hunt with should give you no solace.