Originally Posted by BobinNH
I didn't throw out a straw man...

Yes you did, it was a classic strawman, here's the definition:

A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent.

Here's your strawman, no one advanced this argument except you:

Originally Posted by BobinNH
I notice a very strong tendency on here for people to try to make a case that no one can handle 300-338 level recoil,supposedly even with reasonable practice. This is mostly horse poop.

And here's where you "refute" the argument that you just put forward:

Originally Posted by BobinNH
If a guy cant handle or decides to avoid 300-338 level recoil that's his choice and his issue.Maybe he needs to practice more, or more intelligently because anyone who practices with a hard recoiling rifle until it hurts is stupid.

But I won't listen too hard to his arguments that a little standard case cartridge is "as good" as a 300 magnum at distance....it isn't. The bigger cartridges and heavier bullets at high velocity simply inflict more trauma and bust up heavy bones better than anything smaller.

It's a prototypical straw man. No sense in denying it.

A wise man is frequently humbled.