Since it seems a certainty the shooter's ramblings will be taken offline, here's the text, given on a plain back background, the 1:10 minute video jumps between six different screens of text...

Screen 1: Hello, my name is... <gives his name>

Screen 2: This video is my introduction to you! My favorite activity is conscience dreaming; the greatest inspiration for my political business information. Some of you dont dream - sadly.

Screen 3: Firstly, the current government officials are in power for their currency, but I'm informing you for your new currency! If you're treasurer of a new money system, then you're responsible for the distribution of a new currency. We know now - the treasurer for a new money system is the distributor of the new currency. As a result, the people approve a new money system which is promising new information thats accurate, and we truly believe in a new currency. Above all you have your new currency, listener?

Screen 4: Secondly my hope is for you to be literate! If you're literate in English grammar, then you comprehend English grammar. The majority of people who reside in District-8, are illiterate - hilarious. I don't control your English grammar structure, but you control your English grammar structure.

Screen 5: Thirdly, I know who's listening: Government Officials and the People. Nearly all the People, who don't know this accurate information of a new currency, aren't aware of mind control and brainwash methods. If I had my Civil Rights, then this message wouldn't have happen.

Screen 6: In conclusion, my ambition - is for informing literate dreamers about a new currency; in a few days, you know I'm conscience dreaming! Thank you!

