I'm surprised that anyone would expect anything different from Barak on this subject.

It doesn't take long, if you're paying attention, to realize that Barak is nowhere close to mentally right.

Perhaps now some other folks will start seeing more of his true colors.

Wait until he latches onto the fact the Rep. Giffords is married to an active-duty military officer as well.

As for the real subject of this thread (before it started getting hijacked to Barakistan and lunacy), I continue to pray that Mrs. Giffords and all the victims of this incident, have a full and speedy recovery; that the dead are mourned and their families consoled; and that the perpetrator meets swift justice.

Beyond that, I hope that we as a people can recognize this as the actions of a lunatic, nothing more than that; and that we do not kid ourselves about being protective of liberties instead of more quickly moving to indentify such lunatics among us, for their protection and our own.